Hypospadias repair is surgery to correct a defect in the opening of the penis present at birth. The urethra (the tube carrying urine from the bladder to outside the body) does not end at the penis tip. Instead, it ends on the underside of the penis. In more severe cases, the urethra opens at the middle or bottom of the penis or behind the scrotum.
Hypospadias repair is applicable when boys are between 6 months and two years old. Generally, this treatment is the outpatient type, where the child rarely has to spend a night in the hospital. Ultimately, the article addresses this concern while giving some care practices that will ensure the young one’s ultimate safety. Some of the methods include but not limited to:
After treatments, the doctor will give parents an antibiotic upon discharge from the hospital when their kids have a catheter. The parents should continue to provide the antibiotic for several days after the removal of the catheter. Tylenol, with or without codeine, may be given for discomfort. For cases where the kid has a tube in his penis, a Ditropan may help bladder spasms until the line is removed.
The kid patient will go home with a “dressing” or covering consisting of clear plastic over gauze or plain gauze taped around his penis. It may become soiled and loose from urine and stool. It is recommended that the parents do not remove the soiled dressing unless there is a stool underneath the plastic dressing in contact with the gauze. If the dressing is covered with stool, clean with soapy water, wiping toward the rectum and away from the child’s penis.
After every treatment, the diet that patients get matters depending on the condition. When it comes to Hypospadias repair, it is an excellent idea for the caregiver to encourage fluids — for example, ice pops, juice, soup — to keep the boy’s urine clean. Some children may have nausea or vomiting from the anesthesia, but most will be fine. Even when the kid does not have an appetite, encouraging him to have some fluids will come a long way to ensure a fast recovery.
Follow-up Care
Since parents cannot necessarily know everything about the after-care techniques, calling or revisiting the doctor for further instructions is a good move. For example, unless advised by the doctor, it is never advisable for the parents to remove the catheter by themselves. Visiting the doctor to handle this one will ensure safe removal that will not bring other complications. Besides, when the parent senses that something is not right, going back to the doctor or calling for further assistance may help.
Additional Care
After hypospadias repair, the doctor will give many instructions on how a parent should take care of the child. Some of the additional ones include washing the young one, the clothing to wear, and other related useful items like diapers. Other issues they will address include the activities the kid may pursue after the surgery. It is never advisable for the patient to engage in challenging activities until he shows signs of recovery.